
Our High Holiday plea


Joel Magalnick


Editor and Acting Publisher, JTNews

As we begin our new year and reflect on the one drawing to a close, we often use this as a time to think about how we can better support our Jewish community. One way to support your community, and at the same time help to sustain the resource that lets you know what’s happening in your community, is by making a donation to JTNews. Your donation, whether it’s $36, $100, $500 or $1,000, though not tax deductible, will help us improve upon everything we do, in the name of better informing and educating you. We will thank all of our donors on our honorary masthead this coming October.
Simply visit the “Subscribe” page at www.jtnews.net or contact Becky at 206-774-2238 to make your gift.
Thank you, and shana tova from all of us at JTNews.