By Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent
Major changes have been made at Seattle’s Rainier AZA chapter of the B’nai Brith Youth Organization.
BBYO, approaching its 80th anniversary on May 3, claims to be the oldest and largest Jewish youth organization in the world. The youth-led group is organized into two parts, AZA for boys and BBG for girls. The Rainier AZA chapter meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way on Mercer Island.
The chapter hosts a variety of events such as community service, baseball games and dances. Members are always welcome to bring their Jewish friends to events and all Jewish youth groups are invited to the dances. Rainier’s attendance at the regional conventions is the highest in the region.
“We have made a significant turnaround since last year,” says Danny Schauffer, Rainier member and vice president of BBYO’s Evergreen Region. “When we came in as freshmen, it was really small.”
In one year, the group has grown in membership from 18 to 42 members.
“We just feel like we’re really leaving the chapter in good hands,” says outgoing senior Alex Pulda, past president of the Rainier chapter and a current BBYO member. “We’re the largest chapter in the region.”
“The quality of everything is so much better now,” agrees Schauffer, adding that not only has the membership increased, but the events have as well.
Both Pulda and Schauffer have been members of Rainier AZA since 8th grade. After expressing an interest in getting more involved with the local Jewish community, a friend suggested that Pulda, who had just moved to Seattle from Texas, join BBYO. But, when Pulda and Schauffer joined the Rainier chapter, they noticed that the group was smaller than they had hoped. They started using their connections to spread interest in joining the chapter.
“That first year was really hard,” says Schauffer. “We put in a lot of work and we’re definitely getting it back now.”
Now, for the past two years, the Rainier chapter has won “most fraternal chapter” in the whole region. Also this year, the group won “best chapter of the region” and was recently nominated for “best chapter in the country.”
The group is welcoming and friendly, says Schauffer. When his grandfather died, several of his AZA friends came to the funeral.
“As a chapter, no one really feels excluded. I think we all feel really connected to each other,” says Pulda. “I think the brothership you find in BBYO is unmatched by any other youth group.”
Both Schauffer and Pulda have enjoyed participating in the community service and education that is part of BBYO.
“I’ve just learned so much about business and how to handle events,” says Schauffer. “It’s paid off.”
“It kind of forces you to take a leadership role,” agrees Pulda, who devoted a college essay to his time BBYO. “My experiences in BBYO have been so valuable.”
BBYO’s slogan is “The more you put in, the more you get out,” said Schauffer. “The slogan never made more sense to me than this year.”
For more information about BBYO, visit To learn more about the Rainier chapter, contact Danny Schauffer 425-644-8023 or Alex Pulda at 425-653-2382, or [email protected].