
Curbing the impact

By Jason Feirman, Senior Marketing Manager Jewish National Fund,

Thank you for your great piece about the importance of planting trees and greening our planet (“Celebrating the New Year for the trees,” Feb. 6). You mention that Jewish National Fund should be valuing our tree planting initiatives in terms of their carbon offset potential. In September 2007, JNF launched GoNeutral, a cutting-edge campaign aimed at educating individuals about their impact on the environment and encouraging them to offset their emissions by using a carbon calculator on the campaign’s web site. We have emphasized the ecological benefits of tree planting and allow people to, for instance, offset a flight to Israel through the campaign. Jews around the world need to look no further than our GoNeutral campaign to curb their negative impact on the planet and learn about what they can do to ensure that Israel, with the help of JNF, continues to make great strides in its environmental work.