By Pinchas Zohav , , Bellevue
Israel is probably more safe from nuclear attack than most any location on the planet. The obvious fact is that if Iran or any other source would detonate a nuclear device anywhere in Israel’s territory, it would instantly take out the third most holy site in Islam. No more Dome of the Rock. Secondly, Israel’s well-known yet secret nuclear arsenal would surely destroy the remaining two holy sites, Mecca and Medina. The Qaba, vaporized. No place to make the Haj, no more pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. Thirdly, many of the sources of oil energy fueling much of the world would disappear. Not to mention that much of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and maybe Egypt would become uninhabitable. Now I can imagine some terrorist-allied-minded organization “willing” to make much of the region uninhabitable just to get the Jews, but I am not so sure that they would agree to take the heart and soul of Islam out as well. We talk about everything else. We read and hear lots about threats to push the Jews into the sea, destroying the Israeli state. But no one refers to this elephant in the cupboard, or to that strange smell of peanuts in the house. I wonder why not?