
The slant

By Philip R. Scheier, , Shoreline

Conflicting viewpoints on the Mideast’s eternal problems are the stuff of honest reporting and always welcome. However, the July 9 issue of the JTNews, with its two slanted, lengthy articles targeting Israel as the culprit for daring to defend itself against non-stop Arab attacks is truly bizarre.
Example 1: For some reason, the JTNews assigned its own reporter to cover a church gathering sponsored by a pro-Palestinian group (“The flotilla disaster, from the other side“). Did the JTNews expect anything but what they reported at length which was a lengthy anti-Israel diatribe by the four “pro-Palestinian speakers?”
Example 2: Equally strange and sad is the special article (“A compassionate search for reality“), written by local resident Philip Gerson describing his “compassionate” journey which includes Christians, Jews and Muslims, all yearning for peace. But again, sadly, Mr. Gerson unwittingly displays his approach, when he writes: “I spent seven days in Israel and East Jerusalem (emphasis added)” In his view, it seems, East Jerusalem is not part of Israel. Mr. Gerson is sincere in his love of Israel, I’m sure, but to parrot the long-refuted Arab claims as fact is very sad and telling. Also, he fails to report who paid for this probably well-intentioned journey.