By Rabbi Chaim Levine, LivingJudaism The problem with trying to find the solution to the current economic instability is that the answer has nothi
Read MoreBy Marcia Rubenstein, , Silverdale Just wanted to say a great big thank you to everyone at JTNews who helped solve the problem of the missing ingre
Read MoreBy Suzette Cohen, , Steilacoom You are absolutely incorrect in your portrayal of Referendum 71. Everyone has the ability to make out a power of att
Read MoreBy Lisa E. Schuchman, , Seattle Thank you for your support of Referendum 71 (Editorial, Oct. 16). I agree that it is absurd to put people's happine
Read MoreBy William Arenstein, , Ramat Gan, Israel I was dismally shocked and horrified to see JTNews run an Op-Ed by Edwin Black a few weeks back that used
Read MoreBy Dr. Michael Spektor, , Bellevue The Islamic Republic of Iran is a despotic fundamentalist military dictatorship whose goal is hegemony in the Mi
Read MoreBy Dr. Richard Curtis, , Seattle I was puzzled by the story, "Answering questions on Iran" (Oct., 16) about the meeting at De Hirsch on "the Iran
Read MoreBy Kayla Weiner, , Seattle I read with interest your article about housing and the Jewish community ("Yes for homes!" Sept. 11). I am glad you men
Read MoreBy Richard Silverstein , Special to JTNews On Oct. 21, several Jewish organizations will host a community conference, "Understanding the Iranian T
Read MoreBy Eileen Weintraub, , Seattle Your column in defense of kaparot was so upsetting I am just getting the strength to write now ("What's Your JQ?" S
Read MoreBy , Referendum 71, which if passed will enact into law Senate Bill 5688, giving same-sex couples and domestic partners ov
Read MoreBy Edwin Black , Special to JTNews During the first months of the Hitler regime, in 1933, leaders of the Zionist movement concluded a controversia
Read MoreBy Rabbi Daniel Weiner, Temple De Hirsch Sinai One of the most memorable scenes in Judd Apatow's morality tale of male maturation, Knocked Up, i
Read MoreBy Josh Basson, , Seattle Ron Kampeas's insightful front page column was quite informative ("Iran policy reveals split between U.S. Jewish and Isra
Read MoreBy Janice E. Tufte, Islamic Civic Engagement Coalition, Seattle During this reflective time around your Yom Kippur and just after my Islamic Eid Al
Read MoreBy Alison Eisinger and Sally Kinney , JTNews Columnist Our Jewish traditions are deeply rooted in the concept of home. Our most beloved holidays
Read MoreBy Mark Richard Schuster , Special to JTNews Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur provide a time for each of us each year to reflect upon ourselves and ou
Read MoreBy Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld , Congregation Shevet Achim Everything in Judaism is both constant and unique. The reason for this seeming paradox is
Read MoreBy Kayla Weiner, Ph.D. , , Seattle I was shocked and offended by the letter to the editor ("Broad Goals," Aug. 21). To the best of my knowledge th
Read MoreBy Sasha Parsley, Western Washington University student, Kirkland I am deeply disturbed that the JTNews chose to publish the objectionable and narr
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