
Community standards

By Michael Behar, , Seattle

In your August 16 edition you published a letter from Linda Frank who regurgitated the standard boilerplate common among anti-Israel types.
Ms. Frank, a local anti-Israel activist, is well known for her libelous claims against the Jewish State. Her most spurious canard (although not made in your pages) is her assertion that Israel uses snipers to murder Palestinian children.
As the only Jewish newspaper in Washington State, the JTNews has a special responsibility to defend the Jewish community from such incendiary and libelous accusations. Instead you provide this practitioner of what can only be called a blood libel, with free access to our community newspaper.
I for one would never presume to deny Ms. Frank her free speech rights, but by what obligation do we as a community have to cloak her in the mantle of legitimacy?
It is clear from this incident and past actions, such as providing a forum for BDS propagandists, that the JTNews requires a review of whatever moral standards you have for facilitating publication in your pages.
While it would be absurd to assert that Israel should be beyond criticism, I respectfully suggest that the editorial board draw a red line against providing a forum for those who spread anti-Semitic canards or who publicly advocate by word or deed for the dismantling of the Jewish state.