Local News

Herzl-Ner Tamid shakes things up

By Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent

Since time immemorial, blessing the lulav and etrog has been the Jewish way of thanking God for the blessings of the earth on the holiday of Sukkot. They are symbols of the harvest. They are brought to the synagogue on the holiday to thank God for all the good that has occurred in the past year.

Herzl-Ner Tamid hopes that at least 150 people to purchase an etrog and lulav this year and join in for a Sukkot celebration on Oct. 12. As an added incentive, the congregation is offering a free “Make a Lulav Shake” T-shirt for every purchase.

To make a Lulav Shake, you first take the branch of a palm — in Hebrew, lulav. On the right side, attach three myrtle branches (hadas), and on the left, place two willows (aravot). Hold them together with the bright yellow etrog, and give them a good shake.

Holding the four species together symbolically “[gets] our own act together” in preparation for the New Year, according to Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum of Herzl-Ner Tamid. By waving them in six directions we reciting the Hallel prayer, it is a reminder that God’s presence can be found in every area of our lives. Shaking the lulav and etrog vigorously is a commitment to being movers and shakers in the world this year, for good and for blessing.

As part of its “Make a Lulav Shake” project, Herzl-Ner Tamid will hold the following Sukkot-related events in the coming weeks:

Sept. 17 at 7 p.m.: a Sukkah Building Workshop at The Home Depot in Bellevue.

Oct. 9 at 7 p.m.: Lulav and etrog pickup, with an event to learn the meaning and practice of the ritual, sing The Lulav Shake Song and learn how to assemble the lulav.

Oct. 10 in the evening: Sukkot begins.

Oct. 12 at 9:15 a.m.: Congregants will have lunch in the shul’s Sukkah, a quick shake and march in the hoshanot procession.

Each chinuch costs $23, with a student special of $15 if a first set is purchased by the family; $31 per set of regular lulav and etrog; $36 per set of prime lulav and etrog; $38 per set of deluxe lulav and etrog; and $18 per bundle of sgach.

Orders must be placed by Sept. 18 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040, or contact 206-232-8555 or [email protected].

Make a Lulav Shake is a joint project of the Rabbinical Assembly and The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.