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Jewish Women to bring others up to speed on “Internet Living”

By , Special to JTNews

The Business & Professional (B&P) Women’s Division of the Jewish Federation

of Seattle invites you to the first event in their Forum Series, “Internet

Living: Byte into the Future with Three Leading Experts” on Tuesday, Feb. 15.

Come listen to a panel discussion, followed by a question and answer session,

featuring three Jewish women with diverse experience in the Internet business. First,

Robin Avni, Group Manager for the Microsoft Technical Education group (MSTE),

has also served as the design lead for Windows 98 and MSNBC Decision ‘96, and

a producer for MSN. Before Microsoft, Avni worked as art director for Pacific

Magazine for The Seattle Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer. She currently

serves on the board of the Jewish Transcript. Ms. Avni has a BA from Indiana

University and a fellowship from the University of Michigan.

The second presenter, Deborah A. Levinger, Director of MSN Shopping,

Microsoft, has also been responsible for the MSN Shopping Channel. Levinger

came to Microsoft as part of its acquisition of eShop, Inc., where she helped

to launch the successful eShop Plaza. Before eShop, Levinger worked in

consumer product marketing for Procter & Gamble and American Express. Ms.

Levinger earned her MBA from Cornell University.

The third presenter, Judy Zall Neuman, Maveron, LLC, served as Vice President

of Interactive Media for the Spiegel Group. Currently working at Maveron, a

Seattle based provider of capital and advice to the great consumer brands of

2005 and beyond, Neuman is on the Board of Directors of Flooz.com, Lucy.com

and Jewish Family Service. She is a Wexner Fellow and holds a BS degree from

California State University in Long Beach.

The forum is on Feb. 15 from 6-8 p.m. at Microsoft’s Augusta Center (Building

43), Shasta Room, 15580 NE 31st Street, Redmond. It costs $15, including hors

d’oeuvres. RSVP by Feb. 9, to Sari Feinberg Weiss at 206-441-8479, ext. 263,

or [email protected]