By Kimberly Wolf, , Sammamish
I just read the article on the Federation’s fundraising efforts (”As projected, Federation campaign ends down,” July 9). This article shows why Federation leaves me cold and has me not donating. I have a disability and in the past have looked to Federation for help, only to be turned away. Now I see that the same old thing is continuing: Federation is increasing money given to food banks in Israel, yet right here, in our own backyard, they take the largest amount from our own disabled community. It is extremely disheartening and frustrating to see that there is such a need, yet Federation will continue to practice old habits and give to those in Israel while letting programs at home suffer. Something is skewed with that viewpoint and really just plain wrong.
My sister lives in Israel and she has often said that you would never see this kind of action there. In Israel they take care of their own first, the rest of the world be damned.
While I am not saying to disregard Israel’s needs, I certainly would not put them ahead to the detriment of the needs of the very people who are helping to support this organization.
Maybe one day Federation will learn that charity begins at home. The next time they come knocking on my door, asking for money, I will remind them of this. Then I will take my donation and give it to a different organization, one that is based in Seattle and helping those in Seattle.