
Out and about

By Mordecai Goldstein, , Everett

I just want to say that I am very pleased with the performance of this journal. Here is an example of why I feel that way: Recently, the paper informed that a visiting professor at the University of Washington was none other than world-class Israeli author Joshua Sobol (the award-winning author who is famous for his play “Ghetto”). The news was that the famous artist was to be doing a reading and book signing at the UW Bookstore in honor of his newly released translation of his latest novel (“The Israeli stage, as seen from Seattle,” April 13). Without JTNews, I would not have had the opportunity to meet and chat with this “Shakespeare” of Israel. I read the book he autographed for me and loved it. I also attended a wonderful short version of his play “Ghetto” at Congregation Beth Shalom on Shavuot evening.
I am deeply grateful to this publication for providing me with important news like this. It had been decades since I have had any kind of connection with the Israeli literati. I had the opportunity to share with Mr. Sobol some of my manuscripts and hopefully they will be translated into Hebrew soon, as I am an expatriate Israeli-American. Thank you and keep up the good work you’re doing!