By Josh Basson, , Seattle Daniel Levisohn's insightful column was quite informative ("Forty years later," June 8). Levisohn points out that revisi
Read MoreBy Diana Brement, JTNews Columnist Jewish Day School faculty member Nance Adler has been awarded a Legacy Heritage Jewish Communal Scholarship for
Read MoreBy Rivy Poupko Kletenik, JTNews Columnist Dear Rivy, I am pretty new to Judaism, taking a few classes here and there, and often find that it's all
Read MoreRafi and Rebecca Finegold of Brighton, Mass. announce the arrival of their daughter Ayelet Rina on May 25, 2007 at 11:21 p.m. Ayelet is the sister of
Read MoreGabriel Cohen, Jewish educator and community activist, died on May 18, 2007 in Bellevue from complications of a stroke suffered in July 2005, immediat
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, Editor, JTNews Editor’s note: In May I visited the Negev Desert in central Israel as a guest of Ben Gurion University of t
Read MoreBy Murray Meld, , Seattle Thank you for the June 8th issue's balanced account of the planned "Occupation Game" weekend sponsored, among others, by
Read MoreMadeleine will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on June 30, 2007 at Temple B'nai Torah in Bellevue. Madeleine is the daughter of Sen. Brian Weinstein and Ga
Read MoreDavid celebrated his Bar Mitzvah on June 17, 2007 at the family home in Methow Valley. Rabbi Dov Gartenberg officiated. David is the son of Jana Mohr
Read MoreJonathan will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on July 7, 2007 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation on Mercer Island. Jonathan is the son of Nolan a
Read MoreBy Elad Moisseiev, M.D., Captain, "Egoz" unit, Israel My tour with the Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces and the ensemble is over, and I am ba
Read MoreBy Dave Kaplan, , Seattle This new group that bring together people who were expelled from Middle Eastern countries ("Seeking redress," May 25) is
Read MoreBy Rabbi Cindy Enger, Congregation Beth Israel, Bellingham Regarding Torah, the Mishna reminds us, "Turn it and turn it again; everything is in it
Read MoreTessa will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on June 16, 2007 at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation on Mercer Island. Tessa is the daughter of Dan and
Read MorePerry will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on June 16, 2007 at Temple B'nai Torah in Bellevue. Perry is the daughter of Tom and Donna Blankinship of Bellev
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, Editor, JTNews Editor’s note: In mid-May, JTNews Editor Joel Magalnick spent five days in the Negev Desert in central Isra
Read MoreBy Diana Brement, JTNews Columnist I interviewed Rachel Berry by e-mail while she was en route to China to begin a round-the-world trip. "This is
Read MoreAt first blush, the idea of a musical about a Nazi-controlled Jewish ghetto sounds like something out of an early draft of Mel Brooks’ The Produ
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