By multiple authors, , Thanks to the community There are no words adequate enough to convey the thanks I owe to the community for the outpouring
Read MoreBy multiple authors, , Not just an Orthodox issue The last JTNews issue article about my having recently dodged bullets in two predatory lawsuits
Read MoreBy Rabbi Chaim Levine , LivingJudaism 'I wish some people would grow up.' 'Some people just don't think.' 'Some people are so insensitive.'
Read MoreBy Rabbi Charna Klein , Jewish Community of Whidbey Island Lately a lot of interest, including in the JTNews, has focused on the subject of Creati
Read MoreBy multiple authors, , A leftist engagement Regarding Ò…ngage Iran DirectlyÓ (Viewpoints, May 26), first the good news: Secretary of State
Read MoreBy Rivy Poupko Kletenik , JTNews Columnist Dear Rivy, In honor of Mother's Day I decided to prepare a speech, a d'var Torah, about mothers and
Read MoreBy State Rep. Sherry Appleton (D-Poulsbo), Remy Trupin, Executive Director, Washington State Budget & Policy Center, Randi Abrams, , Seattle It
Read MoreBy {columnist_author}, {columnist_author_position} {columnist_body} {columnist_footnote}
Read MoreBy Becca Campbell, , Seattle It was great to read about UW Hillel?s Alternative Spring Break in El Salvador (April 28). Having had a long-standing
Read MoreBy Rabbi Rob Toren, Grants Director, Samis Foundation, Seattle We are very appreciative of JTNews? coverage of Samis? first decade of philanthropy
Read MoreBy Rabbi Dov Gartenberg , Panim Hadashot I used to be a congregational rabbi. I remember a conversation with a much-respected member of the synago
Read MoreBy Rivy Poupko Kletenik , JTNews Columnist Dear Rivy: Though we have been members of a congregation for many years and have led an involved Je
Read MoreBy Marvin Stern, Former Manager, Holocaust Survivor Assistance Office, Office of the Insurance Commissioner, Re: your recent story ?Funding dries u
Read MoreBy Jeffrey Weiser , , Redmond Lots of articles lately in the JTNews about Creationism vs. Evolution. Let?s face it. If the Darwinian Theory of Evol
Read MoreBy Jane E. Relin , Director of Aging and Adult Programs, Jewish Family Service, Seattle, Seattle I am responding to the article ?Funding dries up f
Read MoreBy Mike Kreidler, nsurance Commissioner, State of Washington, I am writing in response to the article by Morris Malakoff (?Funding dries up for sta
Read MoreBy Rivy Poupko Kletenik , JTNews Columnist Dear Rivy, As our family sang Shalom Aleichem this past Friday evening, I began to think about the s
Read MoreBy Rabbi Leah M. Herz , Temple De Hirsch Sinai In 1926, the great modern Jewish thinker Martin Buber delivered a speech he titled 'The Man of Tod
Read MoreBy Josh Basson, , Seattle I commend Michael Richmond?s illuminating article (?Antisemitism in the guise of anti-Israeli propaganda,? Mar. 24.) Ther
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