By Manny Frishberg , JTNews Correspondent David Volk is a funny man. He would like you to know just how funny, but it’s hard to get humor pub
Read MoreBy Manny Frishberg, JTNews Correspondent By almost anybody’s definition, Joe Shapira does not look like someone that would be cast as Yenta i
Read MoreBy Janis Siegel, JTNews Correspondent Without a doubt, there is today the broadest, most widespread, and perhaps the most virulent anti-Semitism th
Read MoreBy Gigi Yellen-Kohn, JTNews Correspondent A lot can happen in 30 years. On Sunday, Feb. 29, parents, students, faculty, staff, friends and supporte
Read MoreBy Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent In its first year, eight children enrolled at the Seattle Jewish Community School, which was located in the
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, Editor, JTNews Kelsey Ganes has been seeing a lot of butterflies lately. That’s because the 13-year-old South Seattle stud
Read MoreBy Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent Yiddish culture will be highlighted at Secular Jewish Circle of Puget Sound’s upcoming fundraiser, Fro
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, JTNews Correspondent When Israeli Ephraim Bluth came to town the week of Feb. 8, he had a busy agenda. In addition to speaking a
Read MoreBy Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent “We are in a different time of being gay and lesbian Jews,” says Flora Ostrow, Congregation Tikv
Read MoreBy Britten Schear, JTNews Correspondent A computer scientist advocating less time in front of the computer is as hard to imagine as a politician ho
Read MoreBy Miriam Terlinchamp, JTNews Correspondent For a solid 18 months, life took a very different turn for Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, the nationally accla
Read MoreBy Manny Frishberg, JTNews Correspondent Rob Jacobs may be a new face around the ADL’s regional headquarters in Seattle, but he has been wor
Read MoreBy Janis Siegel, JTNews Correspondent Hundreds of concerned citizens gathered at Town Hall in Seattle on Feb. 9 to hear two interfaith religious le
Read MoreBy Jessica Davis, JTNews Correspondent Twenty-five years after acclaimed architect Louis “Lou” Kahn mysteriously died from a heart-att
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, JTNews Correspondent With the announcement of this year’s Seattle Jewish Film Festival lineup comes a project undertaken b
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, JTNews Correspondent
Read MoreBy Joel Magalnick, JTNews Correspondent Even lunch will be educational at this year’s Mini-CAJE workshop. The lunchtime lesson for this local
Read MoreBy Diana Brement, JTNews Correspondent My mother reports that during a recent conversation about religion, my brother said to her that none of thei
Read MoreBy Joel Brodsky, Special to JTNews With sweat dripping down the side of my face and my legs aching from hours of uphill cycling, I wondered to myse
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