
Sally Fortuna Calvo

Shaya and Sydney Poll Calvo announce the arrival of their daughter Sally Fortuna on July 25, 2006 at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. She weighed 4.2 lbs. and was 19.3 in. long.
Sally is the sister of Murray and Maisy — the family dogs. She is the granddaughter of Melvyn and Rosalind Poll of Seattle and Dr. Stan and Barbara Calvo of Burien.
Sally is named for her two great-grandmothers, the late Sally Poll and Fortuna Calvo.

Comments (1)

  1. Please tell me more about the Calvo family from Florida. There was a Fortuna Calvo Calvo, the first Sephardic Jew born in Seattle. She died at 99 about 8 years ago. Had no children. Was there another Fortuna Calvo who lived to be more than 100? My father, Isaac Calvo, was born in Edirne and died in Lima in his 90s. His sister, Rachel Erkohen, was born and died in Turkey. She was 104. Look forward to your reply.
    You can find me in Wikipedia.

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