
Security first

By Ed Epstein, , Mercer Island

Referencing the article “Sharing Jerusalem: The Key to Peace?“ (April 30), it is plain to see that the authors have a very conspicuous left-wing agenda, or in the alternative they are naïve or myopic and don’t fully understand the Israel-Arab situation.
For peace to be achieved, the involved nations have to want peace. Peace cannot be imposed from the outside; America can act as a facilitator, but should never dictate the terms.
What are the stumbling blocks to peace between the Israelis and the Arabs? Is Jerusalem the issue? Are settlements the issue? Is the security fence the issue? Let us remember history. Prior to 1967 the Arabs never advocated for a Palestinian state. Their sole concentration was the destruction of Israel. I am still convinced that that is their mission, despite the veneer that they desire to have their own state that is Judenrein and to live in peace with Israel.
What makes the Palestinians and other Arab states feel they have the right to dictate terms for peace, after losing an offensive war against Israel?
Where are those who argue and demonstrate for more U.S. involvement or who take anti-Israel government positions, yet they do not demonstrate against nations and their policies that are far more detrimental to peace and the stability of the world? Having peace in the Middle East will not create nirvana throughout the rest of the world. Israel should only make peace when it feels totally secure.