Local News

WSJHS honors Meta Buttnick

By , Special to JTNews

The Washington State Jewish Historical Society (WSJHS) invites the public to join in honoring Meta Buttnick, founder of the organization, at their annual meeting on Sept. 25.
The meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. at Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S. Morgan St., Seattle.
Buttnick has contributed greatly to the Seattle Jewish community and is known for her role as an historian and archivist. She is a founder of the WSJHS and has served continuously on the board since its inception in 1968. She also serves as president and was honored this past year by the Avivah Chapter of Amit, which is a member of the American Zionist Organization.
Guest speaker for the evening will be Rivy Poupko Kletenik, director of Jewish education services for the Jewish Education Council of the Jewish Federation of Seattle. She will discuss “History through Jewish Eyes.”