
Apologies are not enough

By Mark Bloome, , Seattle

We suffered a great public opinion defeat with the City of Seattle LGBT commission’s egregiously bad decision not to meet with the Israeli LGBT group (“A chronology of the cancelled invitations to gay and lesbian Israelis,” March 30). While I know that all sorts of apologies came forth from the Seattle LGBT community and the City Council, the damage was done. It is long-term damage both to the local Jewish community and to Israel.
Put simply, there were global news stories about the refusal, and no news about the apologies. The anti-Israeli forces are publicizing their victory, which it was. They are using the victory to gain more friends and to solicit more money. Check what they are doing and saying on their websites.
We got apologies, or as they say in Yiddish, “bubkis.” 
Proper reparations need to be made: What we should have asked for at the City Council and what we should go back and ask for now is that the City of Seattle have a special day honoring countries that support gay rights and make Israel the top country in that category. We should ask that the City of Seattle invite the gay leaders from Israel back to Seattle and to have a day honoring them in their personal efforts to bring equality and tikkun olam to the world.