By Paul Baenen, , Seattle Undoubtedly Jaffee made errors (To the family of Myron Cohon and our community). Nothing excuses William Cohon's "he occu
Read MoreBy Sidney Stock, , Bellevue Martin Jaffee blew it. Jaffee used an individual's life and death to illustrate a continuing concern of the Jewish comm
Read MoreBy Keith Cohon, , Seattle I'm sorry, but while I appreciate your apologies (To the family of Myron Cohon and our community), you have still missed
Read MoreBy Jack Fackerell, , Redmond I want to respond to the article written by Tzippy Wiens titled "Killing Animals" (Jew-ish Magazine, Dec. 23). I real
Read MoreBy Wendy Rosen , Special to JTNews As Iran ignores the international community while developing nuclear weapons, the regime's abysmal treatment o
Read MoreBy Diana Brement , JTNews Columnist It's always great when families get along, and more so when blended families do. Stepbrothers Raphi Schuster a
Read MoreBy Janis Siegel , JTNews Columnist Unless you're the parents of a Kobe Bryant or a Tiger Woods, most moms and dads probably spend most of their ti
Read MoreBy Alan L. Barer, , Kirkland Thank you for your article in the November 25 edition by Diana Brement about Sharon Kaufman-Osborn of Whitman College
Read MoreBy Betsy R. Schneier, Past President, Washington State Jewish Historical Society, Seattle On behalf of executive board of the Washington State Jewi
Read MoreBy Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Temple Beth Am A few weeks ago, I found myself in an unlikely place: The Bavarian city of Bamberg, in the medieval cathe
Read MoreBy Rivy Poupko Kletenik, JTNews Columnist Dear Rivy, I just read Nathan Englander's short story in the latest New Yorker and I found something dee
Read MoreBy Diana Brement , JTNews Columnist Kenny and Marleen Alhadeff are always happy to be honored, as they were Nov. 18, receiving the Outstanding Fam
Read MoreBy , A personal story from a Bellevue rabbi underscores the gravity of the situation facing our state and the families hur
Read MoreBy Eric Leibman, , Portland Re: The article Jewish agencies will support marriage equality (Nov. 25). Wow. Another good reason not to give a dime t
Read MoreBy Lisa Schuchman, , Seattle Thank you for the Books, Movies, Music and Food section from November 18! While reading it I moved to my computer to r
Read MoreBy Diana Brement, JTNews Columnist Columbus, Ohio native Brenda Luper ("go Buckeyes!") was a relatively new arrival in the Seattle area in 2007 w
Read MoreBy Rabbi Seth Goldstein , Temple Beth Hatfiloh On November 28, the first day of the special session of the Washington State legislature, I had the
Read MoreBy Janis Siegel , JTNews Columnist As global governments focus on deterring nuclear threats and cyber-terrorism, we could be missing a longtime "f
Read MoreBy Robert G. Kaufman, , Seattle Here are some observations on the Olympia Food Co-op boycott controversy described in the Nov. 11 issue of JTNews (
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