Orly and Matthew Feldman of Kirkland announce the birth of their daughter Ella Jolee on September 13, 2011, at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue. Ella weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. and measured 20 inches.
Ella’s grandparents are Lloyd and Lori Feldman of Parkland, Fla. and Meir and Pearl Monk of Houston, Tex. Ella’s great-grandparents are Sonia and Leon Monk of Ramat Gan, Israel; Edith Mincberg of Houston and the late Josef Mincberg; Hilda and Seymour Feldman of Boca Raton, Fla.; Morris Black of Boca Raton and the late Frieda Black. Ella is named for her maternal great-grandfather and her paternal great-grandmother.
Ella Jolee Feldman