
Food for all

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In response to Elliott Magalnick’s letter, “Making Provisions for Provisions“ (Sept. 13), differences of opinion about Judaism are common and I welcome his and other points of view, but please let me correct the misconception that I had “punished” Jews for observing Yom Kippur by not making provisions to provide needed foods for them from our weekly free-food Saturday market. That is incorrect.
For everyone observing the fast, I offered to set aside foods they could pick up after Yom Kippur had ended. No one was disrespected or punished for being Jewish. The opposite is true. Please feel free to contact me and I’ll gladly share copies of my offers to Jewish residents at Council House and their replies.
Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight.
Wishing you all blessings in this New Year.
Knate Stahl

Editor’s Note: JTNews did not contact Mr. Stahl prior to running the letter regarding the provisions for residents at Council House who observed Yom Kippur. We regret any harm this has caused him.