Carrie Robyn Green and Stuart Brian Gottschalk were married on August 26, 2006 by Rabbi James Mirel at the Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Club.
Carrie is the daughter of Eve-Gail Green of Mercer Island and Norman Green of Snoqualmie Ridge. She is the granddaughter of the late Sylvia and Irving Green and the late Claire and Henry Goldstein. Carrie is a graduate of Mercer Island High School and the University of Washington, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science. She is an account executive for Housevalues.
Stuart is the son of Rhonda and Mark Gottschalk of Bellevue. His grandparents are Estelle Altabet of Seattle and the late Sol Altabet, and Reinee Gottschalk of Bellevue and the late Herbert Gottschalk. Stuart is a graduate of Newport High School and the University of Washington, where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communications. He works in sales for Ikon.
Carrie and Stuart live in Kirkland.
Green and Gottschalk