Local News

Holiday spirit

By Erez Ben-Ari, JTNews Correspondent

Hanukkah can be a real challenge — finding the right gifts for everyone, not to mention trying to make the present about Hanukkah and not just about whatever the latest trend may be. We have scoured the earth — and the Web — for some of the most interesting and unique items that you can be proud to give…or to get!

Bless you
Saying the proper blessing is a tough job even if you say it in English, but saying it in Hebrew is even tougher. With the Say A Blessing keychain, your kids can learn the correct pronunciation faster and easier than ever. The keychain has 10 different blessings, said clearly in Hebrew with an added English translation, as well as the Sh’ma and the morning prayer Modeh Ani. It’s even got a small LED light! What a blessing!
$15 at Baron Bob,

I need a drink
Spelling the word Hanukkah can be a headache for even the most devout Jew, but this mug will help you by clearly listing all the possible permutations. If a mug won’t do it, the site offers the same pattern on shirts, cards, trousers, hats and even a bib. The site also offers a large variety of Hanukkah and Judaism-themed prints to show what makes a proud Jew.
$14 at Café Press,
The good books
Can’t tell your kreplach from your kneidalach? With Jewish Cooking for Dummies, you will be able not only to tell the difference, you’ll be able to make the difference. From challah to rules of kashrut, this book is a great tool for any Jewish cook. While you’re at it, you might as well pick up Judaism for Dummies, written in part by Seattle’s own Rabbi Ted Falcon. The original Jewish Dummies book complements the cookbook wonderfully, with a wealth of info about the origins of our faith, the history and everything else that was taught on the days you played hooky from Hebrew school.
Jewish Cooking for Dummies, $13.59 at Amazon,
Judaism for Dummies, $14.95 at Amazon,
Find both at Tree of Life Books and Judaica as well, 2201 NE 65th in Seattle or www.treeoflifejudaica.com.

Button of safety
With recent statistics on road safety showing that nobody is safe, even non-Jews could use the wayfarer prayer (tefilat ha-derech). Instead of trying to recite the entire thing for every trip to the kosher deli, this gizmo will recite it for you at the push of a button. Don’t you think five bucks is worth protecting you from the average driver?
$5 at spectacular-shop (on eBay)
Hammer away
The holidays are a great time to gather around the fireplace and throw some movies into the DVD player. Let your neighbors have their Christmas carols while you and your family crack up watching the classic The Hebrew Hammer, now on DVD. Adam Goldberg plays Mordechai Jefferson Carver, a.k.a. The Hebrew Hammer, an Orthodox Jewish stud who goes on a mission to save Hanukkah. A brilliant satire with enough action to satisfy anyone! To finish off the evening, why not check out Kuni Lemel, another classic Jewish hero from the ‘60s, recently re-released on DVD. Kuni Lemel, played by Mike Burstyn, is a confused Chassidic Jew recruited by the local matchmaker as part of a scheme to manipulate his customers. This musical comedy of errors was so popular in Israel that it spawned two sequels and the name Kuni Lemel became part of the cultural idiom there.
The Hebrew Hammer, $13.99 at Amazon,
Kuni Lemel, $26.99 at Amazon,
Electrify the holiday!
Lighting the Hanukkah menorah every day is a big deal for kids of all ages, but why stop there? With the LED Menorah Kit, your kids can build their own menorah from scratch, and customize it the way they like. Choose your LEDs from a variety of sizes and colors, and set the LED height to your liking. While not strictly kosher, the power-saving LED lights are also good for the environment, so this is a win-win situation for everyone. Some soldering experience is required.
$14-$17 at Evil Mad Scientist,