Local News

Multifaith Works forming volunteer teams to support people with MS

By , Special to JTNews

Multifaith Works is beginning a new project: forming a special volunteer CareTeam to provide support for one person or household living with multiple sclerosis (MS).
Volunteers report that their Multifaith Works CareTeam service has brought rewards and blessings into their own lives. As one volunteer from the Temple Beth Am AIDS CareTeam commented, “We all share the vision of reaching out hand and heart…because we believe that it is in our relationship with each other that we find holiness. Our CarePartners give to us as much as we give to them.”
A Multifaith Works CareTeam is a group of seven to 15 volunteers from one or more congregations, including spiritual persons with no religious affiliation. By working on a team, each volunteer makes a difference even though her/his individual time commitment may be limited. Together, team members offer practical support and friendship to their “carepartner(s).” Activities may include: transportation, birthday parties, phone calls, childcare, light housework or meal support.
Multifaith Works has coordinated AIDS CareTeams for more than five years. The new CareTeam will be the agency’s first to support someone living with MS, a disease of the central nervous system that is a chronic condition with no known cause and no known cure.
CareTeams do not preach. By their compassionate, nonjudgmental presence, teams represent a loving God through a listening ear and friendship. Through their caring attitude, team members encourage empowerment, acceptance and hope.
If you are interested in volunteering on a multiple sclerosis CareTeam, contact Beth Balderston at 206-324-2216 or email beth@multifaith.org. You may also visit the agency’s Web site at www.multifaith.org.
Multifaith Works is a non-profit, non-denominational organization that provides housing and supportive services to people with life-threatening illnesses. Founded in 1988 as Multifaith AIDS Projects (MAPS), Multifaith Works provides housing, emotional support, and CareTeams for people living with AIDS. In a new joint venture with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of King County, Multifaith Works will be opening one of the first homes in the country for people moderately disabled by MS in late summer of this year.