By , JTNews Correspondent
Over the next year, the Washington State Jewish Historical Society will be creating Yesterday’s Mavens, Today’s Foodies: Traditions in Northwest Jewish Kitchens, a cookbook with recipes and photographs that tell the stories of Jewish families throughout the Pacific Northwest. Through the lens of the kitchens of your grandmother, your children, and you, this book will create a slice of the region’s unique Jewish history that illuminates Sephardic and Ashkenazic traditions, and combines them with the pioneer spirit of the Pacific Northwest, its bounty of food products, fresh produce and its growing “foodie” culture. But WSJHS needs your recipes!
Find details online at, and send stories, photos and recipes no later than Sept. 30, 2010 to [email protected] or via mail to Lisa Kranseler c/o WSJHS, 2031 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. For further information, contact Cindy Masin at 206-232-2626 or [email protected] or Carol Starin at 206-325-1631 or [email protected].