
Thank you to our clergy

By Rainer Waldman Adkins, Barbara Lahav , Seattle chapter, Brit Tzedek v’Shalom, Seattle

Members of the Seattle chapter of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom (Jewish Alliance for Justice and Peace) would like to thank the significant number of our local clergy who signed on to the national Brit Tzedek v’Shalom rabbinic letter to President-elect Obama. They have joined over 850 national rabbis, cantors and seminary students in a coordinated effort to support our new president in working on a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Thank you Rabbi Will Berkovitz, Rabbi Jill Borodin, Rabbi Alan Cook, Rabbi Elizabeth Dunsker, Rabbi Ted Falcon, Rabbi Jacob Elisha Fine, Rabbi Allison Flash, Rabbi Hillel Gamoran, Rabbi Mark Glickman, Rabbi Seth Goldstein, Rabbi Bruce Kadden, Rabbi Yohanna Kinberg, Rabbi Michael Latz, Rabbi Anson Laytner, Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum, Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz, Rabbi Janine Carol Schloss, Rabbi Daniel Septimus, Rabbi Beth Singer, Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Rabbi Daniel Weiner, Rabbi Zari Weiss, Rabbi Elana Zaiman, Cantor David Serkin-Poole and rabbinical students Olivier BenHaim and Amy Rossel. If you would like additional information and a full copy of this letter, go to www.btvshalom.org.