
The importance of unity

By Neil Goldberg, ,

The Palestinian majority has made their choice. More difficult days are ahead for Israel. Unified Jewish support for Israel is more important than ever. While disagreements may exist over how Israel runs Israel, wouldn?t it be nice if those disagreements were done without bringing harm to Jews, or providing encouragement to the enemies of Israel?

Views differ, but one can find out if a group?s real practice matches what individuals might think is occurring in the name of pro-Israel advocacy. Example: it might be a stretch if leaders of a ?pro-Israel? advocacy group take the Palestinian position on most or all issues, rather than Israel?s.

We know the democratically elected issue positions of Israel; Palestinian stance: the opposite. Does the security fence save Jewish lives? Condemn or ignore suicide bombings (Palestinian founded, now spreading worldwide) and other attempts to murder Jews? Open borders or lifesaving checkpoints? Praising and associating with, or condemning, anti-Israel groups like International Solidarity Movement and Voices of Palestine? Showcasing dissident IDF soldiers who speak against Israel or showcasing the other 99.9 percent, who don?t? Eliminating terror leaders individually or going after them where they hide among civilian crowds? Yes or no on divestment?

Just saying ?peace? but expecting Israel to do all the giving, while joining our enemy?s position may make friends of Palestinians but is, perhaps, causing conflict with an equal number, or more, of Jews. Now is not the time to exhibit less than ?we are one? unity.

Disagree with Israel? Fine. Do it without aligning with those whose goal is to hurt Israelis. If one chooses to disagree with Israel on every issue that is one?s right ? encouraging our enemy and bringing harm to my family is not.

The path to a real peace is tough. We are at least secure knowing that Israel and her defense forces will continue to be there to ensure Israel?s existence, defend the Jewish people and protect the Jewish homeland, as Israel has done for so many decades. That is plenty to do for a small nation. That load is heavy enough as it is.

Neil Goldberg ?