
Tough questions

By Carole Glickfeld, , Seattle

The puff piece on McKenna (March 6)failed to ask him some pertinent questions. For example, what is he actually doing to make the Internet safe, since he claims that he’s “really concerned” about it? The AG also mentioned elder abuse as one of his priorities. Just how much elder abuse is there? And what, exactly, are the resources he has devoted to this “priority”? What, exactly, has his office done about elder abuse — how many prosecutions, how many convictions? Call me a skeptic but I would bet that the numbers are very, very small. He cited 20,000 meth abuse cases, which I believe, but when he says that he’s working to stop the spread of such abuse, I want to know how? Many thousands of communities throughout the country have this problem, and if he knows something about how to stop it, shouldn’t he be sharing it? In short, I feel he was quite glib in identifying public concerns, saying things that he thinks people want to hear, but I would like to see the proof of the pudding, i.e., the nature and extent of his actions and to what degree they have solved these complex problems.