
Wasted tomatoes

By Paula Libes Chester, , Mercer Island

I am frankly puzzled by Robert Wilkes’s extensive dissection of Omar Barghouti’s January 5 talk at our local landmark, St. Mark’s Cathedral (“Barghouti’s own life reveals the BDS deception,” Jan.27). Let’s begin by separating objective facts from opinion. BDS stands for boycott, divestment, and sanctions in respect to the State of Israel. Should anything Mr. Barghouti presented have been anything of a surprise? I was not present, so my analysis is a “he said, she said,” but Wilkes’s offhand description of the audience as “well-meaning Christian and Jewish tikkun olam-nistas” offends those of us who sincerely seek to “repair the world.” I believe that the action called for to (God-willing) achieve a secure, peaceful and democratic Israel is the establishment of a secure, peaceful and democratic Palestinian state alongside. Make no mistake: This must include just and fair land swaps as necessary.
The Israeli writer Amos Oz likes to remind us that Israel began as a dream. Blood, sweat and tears made it a reality. We now must do the hard and painful work on the ground of preserving the Jewish State. Throwing verbal tomatoes at a speaker who is antagonistic to our cause is a waste of energy and a waste of good tomatoes.