
We all make mistakes

By Barbara Cooper, , Anacortes

I am very disappointed in your response to Martin Jaffee’s article about Myron Cohon (“To the family of Myron Cohon and our community,” Dec. 23). He made a mistake. I’m sure his apology is sincere and he should be forgiven for his lapse.
I am the secular Jew he is talking about in some of his articles. I may not go to shul but I do have many of the values and ideals I learned growing up in a Jewish household, and I have tried to pass these on to my children.
One of those values is forgiveness. Mr. Jaffee is an interesting journalist. I don’t always agree with him but I find his articles thoughtful and fun to read.
Firing him or making him resign is a sad day for this paper. I hope you will both reconsider. The Cohon family, Mr. Jaffee and JTNews need to take a few minutes to remind themselves that we all make mistakes. We can grow and learn from them and become better and more thoughtful people.